Science lies even before technologies. Before Vedic scriptures, what were the sources of attaining Vedic science? People in the ancient period gain knowledge from their forefathers or gurus verbally. Sanatan Dharma explained the birth of a human even before modern science and technologies.
Garud Puran is one of the written scripture along with Vishnu Puran, Ramayan, Bhagwadgita. The pages of Garud Puran explain the biological development of an embryo into a fetus. The procedure described in the Garud Puran is detailed. It consists of every ounce of change that happens in the womb of a mother. It clearly shows that the roots of Puran are associated with Modern Science.
According to the verses of Garud Puran, Lord Vishnuhttps://vedicgyaan.com/?p=514 explains the process of reproduction as, \”when men and women unite in between the period of menstruation (the three days which Indra shared with women for the sin of brahmicide) the fetus starts to form.\”
The zygote starts taking the form of seed (Embryo) in the womb according to its karma and attains its body after taking birth as a creature.
Initially, it takes a shape similar to a lump. Gradually, it forms a spherical shape, turning into the flesh of an egg. By the first month, the head forms. Further, developing arms and limbs. Other parts of the body start forming from the beginning of the third month, such as nails, hair, bones, skin, and other cavities.
In the fourth month, bodily fluids start developing, and by the fifth-month, hunger and thirst arise. Moreover, the fetus is enveloped and moves to the left of the womb. By the seventh month, it gains consciousness and trembles to move out of the womb and moves out like a newborn.
The details mentioned in the Garud Puran are no less than that explained in the modern sciences. Isn\’t it fascinating? While the scientific discoveries are about a century older, Garud Puran, written thousand years before, holds such details.
It explains that our Sanatan Dharma laid down on scientific phenomenons of nature is truly fascinating. The Garud Puran has verses, which tell life, death, and fruits of deeds one does in its life span.
Some Shlokas from the Garud Purana
ये हि पापरतास्तार्क्ष्य दयाधर्मविवर्जिताः।
दुष्टसंगाश्च सच्छास्त्रसत्सङ्गतिपराडंमुखाः।।
This verse from the epic Garuda Purana explains that people who have done sinful acts in their life span go to hell. People who didn\’t preach kindness or are friends with such people are disposed to hell.
आत्मसंभाविताः स्तब्धा धनमानमदान्विताः ।
आसुरं भावमापन्ना दैवीसम्पद् विवर्जिताः ।।
It says that people who think they are the supreme creatures and no one else can stand beside them. Such people remain alienated from the fruits of heaven and are blind to the illusion of the materialistic world.
अनेकचित्विभ्रान्ता मोहजालसमावृताः ।
प्रसक्ताः कामभोगेषु पतन्ति नरकेऽसुचौ ।।
People lost in the play of mind, full of temptations and sex, belong to the unholy heaven.
ये नरा ज्ञानशीलाश्च ते यान्ति परमां गतिम् ।
पापशीला नरा यान्ति दुखेन यमयातनाम ।।
A person who has the wisdom to attain the ultimate speed of life. On the other hand, those who are busy performing sinful deeds lead a miserable life.
सुकृतं दुष्कृतं वाऽपि भुक्त्वा पूर्वं यथाऽर्जितम ।
कर्मयोगात्तदा तस्य कश्चिद् व्याधिः प्रजायते ।।
The disease that we attain in old age is a fruit of karma of the sinful actions we did in our entire lifespan.
Many versions of the Garuda Purana exist today. It contains more than 16000 verses. The chapters deal with adversely diverse topics. Some of the topics are cosmology, mythology, relationship between gods, the theory of Yoga, good versus evil, various schools of Santana philosophies, the theory of \”heaven and hell\” with \”karma and rebirth\”, ancestral rites and soteriology, rivers and geography, types of minerals and stones, examining methods of gems for their quality, Category of plants and herbs,
various diseases and symptoms, medicines, aphrodisiacs, prophylactics, Santana calendar, astronomy, moon, planets, astrology, architecture, building home, essential features of a Santana temple, rites of passage, duties of a king, politics, state officials and their roles, the genre of literature, rules of grammar, and other topics. The final chapters discuss how to practice Yoga, self development, and the benefits of self-knowledge