Janaeu Dharan is a custom followed by Brahmins and some Kshatriyas in Hinduism. Janaeu is a sacred white thread worn by a Brahman boy after the age of 12. It holds a deeper meaning in the Vedic scriptures.
Janaeu Dharan is a practice that follows under the sixteen sanskaras of Sanatan Dharma. Wearing a Janaeu is the tenth sanskara followed under the Upanayana Sanskar. Janaeu Dharan is the symbol of a sacred vision straightforward in the direction of doing right.
Scientific Benefits of Janaeu Dharan
Many people follow this custom throughout India but are unaware of its scientific benefits.
- Wearing a Janaeu in one ear helps the person to memorize and grasping things without making much effort.
- Tieing a Janaeu in one ear also helps in preventing constipation and in keeping stomach disease-free.
- Science has proven that people wearing janaeu do not have issues related to blood pressure concerning those who don\’t wear it.
- Janaeu Dharan increases the stability of the mind-stimulating the brain to function accordingly.
- Janaeu allows the body to attain positive vibrations. Wearing a Janaeu while chanting mantras help in absorbing the positive energy. Janaeu absorbs this energy and circulates it to the wearer\’s body.
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Vedic Beliefs Related to Janaeu Dharan
A Brahmin wearing a Janaeu follows a set of customs and rituals under a guru. A guru is a person who chants mantras to the wearer at the time of Upanayana Sanskara. There are several Vedic beliefs related to wearing a janaeu:
- Three cords that make a janaeu are said to represent the Goddess of strength: Parvati, the Goddess of Wealth: Laxmi, and the Goddess of Knowledge: Saraswati. A person needs to attain three attributes for having a good life necessary with the characteristics of these three deities.
- Some believe Janaeu guard the person against negative energies in their surrounding.
- It helps in attaining moksha or salvation to death.
- A brahmin boy can start performing pooja after the Upanayana Sanskara ceremony.
- Sanatan Dharma forbids removing of janaeu after wearing it once.
- In case the thread is broken or lost, then a new cord is worn instead of a used one.
- Keeping janaeu clean and sanitized is the supreme responsibility of its bearer.
- Unmarried boys wear janaeu with three cords, married men wear janaeu of six, while men whose parents have died wear janaeu of nine threads.
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The Gayatri mantra chanted before Janaeu Dharan is as follows:
|| Om bhur bhuvah svah
tat-savitur varenyam
bhargo devasya dhimanhi
dhiyo yo nah prachodayat ||
Why do women not wear Janaeu?
Many liberals often question why women are not forbidden to perform Janaeu Dharan. Sanatan Dharma has not opposed women from wearing Janaeu. The fact that our scriptures have not mentioned Janaeu Dharan for women is because they don\’t need one.
Men need to wear a janaeu to perform various rituals to attain spiritual awakening. It is because of their nature and wild practices that they require janaeu to abound. It helps in preventing their minds and body from distractions keeping them focussed on the path of attaining what is right.
On the other hand, women get the same benefits without wearing a janaeu because they are said to be more mature and mindful. They can indulge themselves on the path of attaining righteousness with not many efforts. It is for this reason that Vedic scriptures describe women as \”Stree Sadhu.\”
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Another question that may arise is why other varnas do not wear a janaeu particular Shrudas? There is a quote from the Vedas:
\”Shudra sadhu, Stree sadhu, Kali sadhu.\”
The above quote means that women, Shrudas and Kali Yuga are all holy. The Kali Yuga is said to be the best yuga for a child to be born. Those who are born in this era get a spiritual awakening even after doing less good in their lives.
The woman bounded with the duties of her family with others related to her. Her sacrifices and duties show her selflessness. Hence, she does not require janaeu to attaining spirituality. Lastly, a Shrudra works rigorously in performing deeds that benefit others even when considered filthy. Their day-to-day deed is sufficient for them to attain spiritual well being.