The temples are the place where people worship the divine lord. The architecture of the temples is more than just a spiritual approach. A lot of science indulges in the construction of these Hindu temples. Hindu Temples are the place where science meets spirituality to attain the highest knowledge to strive for eternity. Every single facet, the structure created is a science that affects the preachers. Temple architecture is a highly developed science.
Structure of the Hindu Temples

The Structure of the temple from the placement of pillars to the size of the idols everything built with a lot of science. Our body is a temple. Our ancestors believed in this saying. Thus, the temple constructed has a figure of a human body. The pillars placed in the place of arms while the entrance of the temple placed as the feet of the temple. The head is the place where the supreme figure of the idol rests.
Inflowing Five Elements of Cosmos
The Hindu temple comprises miniature of the five elements of the cosmos. The place perfectly holds positive energy around the people visiting them. The architecture helps visitors to indulge in meditation effortlessly. The center of the temple floor is to let the positive energies flow through the people entering from their feet. Every aspect of a temple starting from the construction to the type of rituals followed and the presiding everything lets the cosmos flow through the veins of the preachers.
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Removing Shoes Before Entering the Hindu Temples

Temples are the place where pure energies and vibrations reside. Have you ever wondered why do we remove our shoes before entering a Hindu temple? Earlier, the temple had floors built to be good conductors of positive energy with high positive vibrations of the magnetic and electric field. You are purposely asked to remove shoes before entering so that these pure vibrations enter your body relieving every bit of stress and leave your mind in a meditation state away from the happenings of the outside world. Another reason for removing shoes before entering the temples is to avoid all the dirt and germs along with a negative source of energy from contaminating the flow of positivity.
Ringing Bells Before Entering the Garbhagriha

You must have noticed a bell at the entrance of the garbhagriha rung by the devotees before entering the Hindu temple. When you strike the bell, it produces a sound out of vibrations. The bells are in a shape that activates your sense of hearing creating a perfect balance between your left and right side of the brain. Further, the sound produced endure for a minimum of 7 seconds echoing all around which is perfect to open all the seven centers of healing in our body.
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Burning Camphor for Arti of the Idol

When you enter the place where the idol is, the room is mostly dark with less or no light entering the room. This place is the “garbhagriha”, or the innermost part of the Hindu temple. When you close your eyes residing prayers to the idol you experience a state of complete darkness. Just as you open your eyes and look at a camphor burning in front of you to Arti (worship) god, it activates your sense of sight by positioning your focus at lighted camphor in a room full of darkness.
Offering Flowers to the Idols of Gods and Goddesses

The idol of the god offered with flowers having different fragrances. We offer a certain variety of flowers like jasmine, marigold, roses rather than a whole bunch of flowers. This is for your sense of smell. The flowers which are pleasant in smell and calms your mind are only offered to the god to keep your mind in a state of emptiness.
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Circumnutating around the Garbhagriha

The pradakshina done around the Hindu temples holds a deep intended meaning. The idol made up of earthly matter absorbs all the energies produced when you light camphor, ring the bell, or offer flowers. Once all your five senses activate, you tend to absorb all kinds of positive energy by circumnutating around the garbhagriha.
Applying Tilak/Kumkum on the Forehead

The priest of the temple applies kumkum/tilak on the forehead of the devotees. The point between eyebrows is the major point of nerves. This point holds the major center of energy. Applying tilak resists the loss of energy from the human body and an absorber of energy to restrict any further loss. This also determines the blood flow of the face muscles.
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Temples don’t belong to anyone. They are the place for those who are on a path of seeking something. Once you understand the deeper meaning of meditation and spirituality then you will understand the intended meaning of a temple that is way above then religion. Temples serve to those searching for a whole one.
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